In response to the announced government plans to carefully scrutinize the question of entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Political Committee Chairman of the opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy Rep. Choi Jae-cheon said that "he agrees with the point in principle, but hurrying with the entry can be dangerous,” Yonhap News agency reports.


According to South Korean parliamentarian, it is important to monitor the question  and consider its political component very carefully. Rep. Choi Jae-cheon is confident that this step should not be taken in a hurry, based on simplified approach of the economic territory expansion: "It is expected that the TPP will not only set new economic standards, developed under the United States leadership, but also establish general rules in the areas of diplomacy, security and defense. In other words, it's the main component of China restraining strategy."



The opposition party representative referred to the words of Ashton Carter, US Secretary of Defense, that the TPP had the same political and geopolitical importance as the appearance of another aircraft carrier.  He also pleaded the South Korean government to seriously consider the question of entry into TPP, despite its earlier announced readiness to join it.


"The decision to join can only be taken after a careful consideration of how it may affect the sustainable growth of our economy — in terms of increasing VAT, employment opportunity, relocating production abroad, and other issues. TPP is not to be a closed trade association, but an open and inclusive one, "- Rep. Choi Jae-cheon said.



He also expressed his hope that a treaty would not be a ground for the ratification of a free trade agreement and called on the government to actively defend its position in the negotiations.


Reference: At the time of the Democrats in power, Rep. Choi Jae-cheon actively opposed the signing of FTA with the United States, itemizing its numerous drawbacks and called on the government not to rush with the decision. However, the agreement was signed.