Iranian media reported that its country's armed forces will take part in the operations of the Syrian government against its terrorist groups. According to media reports, several thousands of  Iranian soldiers have already headed to Syria. Some photographic evidence has already appeared on the internet. There are a few comments stating that Russia's actions in the Middle East attract new followers. According to some sources, the Iranian army is going to deliver military support to the Government of Bashar al-Assad to clean up Aleppo district from the so-called ISIL fighters. Iran has mobilized Lebanese Hezbollah's military and political potential. From now on they will be fighting against radicals together. Although Tehran claims that the assistance provided to Syria is limited to their military advisers, nonetheless there is continuous evidence of Iranian military presence in Syria from the combat zones. 


Experts following the Middle Eastern conflicts, expected that Iran, would sooner or later begin to play a more important role in the Syrian crisis. Tehran has been helping Assad for quite a long time, providing him with military experts and experienced warlords. However, before the Russian military operation in Syria, and prior to a consensus with the West on its nuclear program, Iran's potential was limited. Tehran was forced to consolidate its resources in order to take security measures. Now that the situation has changed, Iranian government is seeking to regain its regional influence which is vital for them. Kremlin's decisive actions in Syria have already shown its benefits. Iran's active involvement in the armed phase of the Syrian crisis is a good proof of Russian success. According to sources in Syria, Assad's forces successfully exempt militants from their territory, contributing to the creation of Russia-led international coalition in the region.


Of course, major international powers are seriously concerned with such a scenario in Syria. For instance, the United States has chosen the tactics of criticizing Russia, trying in every possible way to soil its actions in Syria. Meanwhile the US government supports different terrorist organizations, warring against Assad's army, which the West likes to call "moderate opposition.” However, judging from the past events, Washington has no intention or opportunity, make a new move in the Syrian crisis. This is evidenced by President Obama's statements. Washington is trying to maintain US's influence in the Middle East with the help of power counterbalances, hoping that the so-called soft power approach will provide the minimum required American influence in the region.

Free Syrian Army rebels hold a revolutionary flag during a demonstration in the Bustan al-Qasr neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria
© AP Photo/Manu Brabo
Tale of Tales or Riddle of Syrian Opposition


However, not only the US but Saudi Arabia's and Turkey's governments are concerned about the successes of the Syrian army and its allies. Some Turkish media spread information about the Turkish troops entering the Syrian territory. Of course, this data is not confirmed yet, but such development is also possible. For several years Turkey led an expansionist policy in the Middle East and is not going to give up their positions to Russia and Iran so easily. Also note that, not so long ago Turkey was feeling very secure in the Arab world. Using the US-Russian rivalry in Ukraine, Turkey sent troops to Syrian and Iraqi territories several times, creating security zones and the allied forces in those regions.


However, the situation has changed now. Iranian military presence concerns Turkey a lot more than Russian airstrikes in Syria. All fingers point to the Turkish-Iranian impending conflict, which could threaten the surrounding countries. This current situation has many possible scenarios. The situation in Turkey is aggravated with a real war against the Kurds. Moreover, Ankara's allies opposed the revitalization of Turkey in the Middle East for quite a long time. But now they are unable to help Turkey nor Islamic radicals, fighting against the legitimate government of Syria.



Meanwhile, Russia and Iran are successfully carrying out short-term and strategic missions of their long stay in the region. This has become an additional factor limiting Turkey's appetite. The country's territorial integrity depends on Ankara's further steps. If Turkey decides to meddle in Russian and Iranian operations in Syria, it can be the last strategic mistake of Ankara. Surely the Kurds living in Turkey are seeking allies not only in the West, but also among the Kurds in Syria and Iraq. They will be happy to cooperate with the Russian-Iranian alliance. Fortunately, Iran has been always watching the Kurdish movement in Turkey very closely.