The United States is setting Saudis against Russians in Syria, German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten reports. The situation in the country could rapidly deteriorate as a result of Saudi Arabia's active support of the rebels. Some observers suspect the American intelligence behind these interventions, thereby throwing sand in the Russian wheels.


In other words, Saudi's support of the rebels restricts the advance of the Syrian army, which is  backed by Russia. “Saudis have gone crazy and are trying to bring current events to an edge,"  Reuters quotes sources close to the Syrian authorities.


One observer insists on the use of American TOW missiles in order to stop the advance of the Syrian army, and another stresses that the Saudi Arabia's support “has reached unprecedented proportions.” The Syrian army launched a series of operations in the west of Syria, by force of Moscow, Tehran, and Hezbollah. One way or another, their results are still uncertain.


Saudi Arabia is the US's most trusted regional partner. Obama and Putin agreed on the joint struggle against the ISIL, but this decision was met with strong opposition from the US military, intelligence services, and the neoconservatives. They are maintaining Wolfowitz doctrine (who did not even eliminate the possibility of nuclear war), trying to prevent Russia's success in Syria. By the end of his term Obama has no authority left. When it comes to US's foreign policy, intelligence services operate with no control, being in fact a state within a state.


Although Saudis formally participated in the negotiations with Russia and the US, they've been actually financing terrorist organizations in the Middle East for many years, and have recently increased their military aid to some unknown "rebels." They must at all costs avoid the rising influence of Iran.


In such circumstances, the Russian plane crash in the Sinai Peninsula raises many questions. Last Friday President Putin said that a possible cause of the tragedy could have been a bomb. But it's unclear who would benefit from this terrorist attack. The current situation is still obscure.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter, left, looks at President Barack Obama as the president speaks to the media after receiving an update from military leaders on the campaign against the Islamic State
© AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
Ashton Carter Opening Taps of Cold and Hot Wars

Nevertheless, Russian leader tried to involve the Saudis into the alliance. That is why he recently held talks with Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. But currently there is a struggle for power in Riyadh. Radicals are calling for jihad against Russia, and the Wahhabi royal family is faced with tensions of different generations. No one knows who will eventually take over.



Friday President Putin and Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi held talks where they agreed to strengthen cooperation to ensure the safety of Russian tourists in Egypt. In this context, in order to "scare Russians" America announces mass modernization of its nuclear weapons, unmanned aircrafts, and war planes.