Let us clear the air. We are not talking about the namesake aquatic bird or the riding sport practiced by the upper classes to the delight of children. I am not referring to the drawing made famous by Walt Disney, Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart, nor the artist who sang sucundum sucundum. There is an older sense of the word that means a person without sufficient financial resources (yes, I know, you have just discovered that I belong to the generation of the abacus, the rule of calculations, the Encyclopedic Sopena Dictionary and logarithms table. I do not care, I am what I am).


Donald Trump is a brutal, primitive and rudimentary person and an ignorant billionaire politician, he talks like a parrot and is trying to assume the presidency of the most powerful country on earth, at least from the military point of view. He hates immigrants and boasts of that hatred. Especially if they are Mexicans or the people south of the Rio Bravo. He has promised to expel them if elected president and to prevent illegals from being in the world capitalist "paradise"; he wants to build a wall like the genocidal state of Israel has in trying to contain Palestinian militancy after the recovery of the territories usurped by the Zionists claws.


The unusual thing, or not so, as the case may be, is that California, Texas, Colorado, San Francisco and other territories used to be a part of Mexico until the imperial voracity added those locations to the United States through war. That is, Mexicans were expelled from their ancient homeland by conquering greed, under the pretext of incorporation to the capitalist mode of international division of labor.


But Donald, like any human being, has friends. It is impossible to imagine life without friends. Even those who seem to be despicable specimens should share their moral misery with someone. And Donald has them. Scattered around the world and, of course, Argentina is part of the evil planet. So that Trump can come to our country and have a few drinks with his buddies, for example, it would be like a set of ducks in the same room as a couple of blondes.


Pre Election small digression. The last name is pronounced Donald Tramp. What if we add one more letter, a, for example, and we campaign for one of their local friends? Would it be something like: "Vote + a, vote tramp a." You, mate, are telling me that I'm missing kilometers to be on a "bus" campaign with Duran Barba? Right and it fills me with pride. End of digression.


An Argentine journalist found himself, by chance, with Mr. Trump in the US. When Donald discovered this, he burst into praise for his friend (a friend of his, as they say, that hated Mexicans) Mauricio Macri. Among the compliments he gave advice to citizens to keep the president. Friends are friends, said a former television and hackneyed slogan. Later we learned that Trump and Macri play tennis whenever they find the time and have other joint ventures.


The paradoxes of etymology, as I was looking for and found, Mauritius is a name of Latin origin meaning "Moreno". Yes, as the original inhabitants south of the Rio Bravo, those that the friend Donald seeks to expel from its territory if he is chosen.


Anyway, this is not a Donald Duck, but our Mauritius, some we know who has always been a Muscovy duck.